Sunday, July 4, 2010

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

I came by to visit you today
Another bright day to share
Spirits of love and kindness
Just as I do, most everyday
Sharing my hearts love with you,
As I always do
This home built with love and friendship
That you brought me too

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

I knocked on loves door, waited outside
For loves familiar welcome from inside
As I did everyday I visited
My friends home always filled with love and friendship
That began from within and spread wherever
Our paths crossed in the end

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

An unfamiliar bleakness hung there instead
That familiar fixture opened from within
It was I you did see, one of your dear friends
Standing on that safe doorstep
Waiting for a welcome to come in

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

The air suddenly was not a stir
A scent unfamiliar lingered instead
Not of loves scent like babies breath
Silence broken by a slamming door
Locked from within
Where friendships built on love did begin

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

Shock rushed in, barring all thought
Widened eyes, blurred all sight
Confusion, disbelieve, numbness
A spirit of love barred from the light
A door of darkness locked within
Now hung there replacing loves light

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

Did you not see it was I, at my friends door?
I knocked again, called your name
Air filled with silence only remained
Messages of why? never answered, should be a sin
A friendship built from love, trust, sharing kindness
Worth nothing in the end

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

A new day, I came by again
Maybe it was just a dream
That never happened to begin
Thoughts filled with more confusion
As I knocked again,
Silence sealed every crack of entrance

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

Standing on that doorstep
Thick, black, air sucking at my soul
A feeling of emptiness, darkness, despair, cold
Shadowed itself across that entrance
A message left in cold text
Banned, written across that entrance

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

No queries ever answered from that messenger
A loving spirit left to die from within
Such cold dark places, should be a sin
Built on love, trust and friendship, began the end
Reasons of why? lingered, unanswered
Left to grow stale, cold and dark
In dead air,

something in the way...
behind the locked door...

Written by:
July 4th, 2010

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